Edeltech Group is committed to promoting environmental excellence in its operations due to its concern for the environment we live in - now and in the future. Therefore, the environmental and sustainability policy of the company focuses on preserving the quality of the output and reducing its environmental impact, by working to minimize the ecological footprint of the activity of the group's plants.
The transition to natural gas and renewable energies is a must, if we want to dramatically reduce air pollution and the emission of greenhouse gases. This understanding has led Israel to set targets for the transition to use of natural gas and renewable energies in the production of energy, which will replace the use of fossil fuels such as crude oil or fuel oil. For example, emission of SO2 particles during generation of electricity from natural gas is 99% lower than the quantity emitted during coal-fired electricity generation, and the emission of NOX particles is 34% lower.
Edeltech Group’s management strategy was designed to facilitate the transition of the sector to clean energies. The group uses the world's most advanced know-how and technology to improve the utilization of the power plants and to supply readily available natural gas at a competitive price to our customer base. At this time, we are investing significant resources in developing the renewable energy arm, and we plan on establishing solar fields in the near future, which will produce clean energy and contribute to the national effort to meet the energy targets Israel set for itself.
The group’s energy facilities, which are powered by clean energies, were designed for maximum reduction of their environmental footprint, while complying with the latest and strictest environmental protection regulations.
Protecting the soil and the open spaces
In the design stage, we conduct a fastidious examination of the area where the plant is supposed to be built in order to prevent or minimize, to the extent possible, the harm to the landscape and while taking the needs of the area’s residents into consideration. As a result, most of the group’s power plants are located within or adjacent to the premises of industrial facilities. During the process of finding the optimal location from an environmental perspective, we also take into account minimization of the potential impact on the region’s flora and fauna.
Protecting air quality
We are committed to complying with the strictest air quality regulations at all the group’s power plants. Additionally, we have installed systems that perform ongoing monitoring of air quality in the stacks, and they send data 24/7 to the regional environmental association and are displayed on the Ministry of Environmental Protection’s website. Any deviation in the emission of pollutants leads to immediate shutdown of the operation of the facilities until the problem is resolved
The ability to find uses for the byproducts created in the production processes is inherent to an advanced environmental philosophy that seeks to make maximum utilization of the activity of the industrial facility and to prevent the creation of waste, air or ground pollution.
As a result, we make sure to utilize byproducts of the activity of the facilities such as steam, desalinated water and compressed air and transfer them for use by our customers to meet other industrial needs. By doing so, we demonstrate our commitment to maximum utilization of the facility and derivation of the maximum benefit, which deviates from the production of clean energy alone.